I'm not a fan of the always-on Google approach but since they ended their platform push and you can pick and choose what services to use it doesn't bother me that much. Still, it would be important that this increased data intake be accompanied by increased transparency of which data is used, from where and what for, which seems to be on the agenda for the future Google experience. With the increase of wearables, a personal concierge future may not be far. The same future with aggressive data protection tools may be further ahead, though.

Google has a problem, which is that if you're feeling paranoid, use the right combination of language or just aren't paying attention, its best products sound a bit... sinister. Take Google Maps. Did you know that if you use Google Maps you may already be sending back data on your walking speed t... http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2014/10/27/google-maps-future_n_6054858.html?ncid=flipboard